"How to Drive a Boat with Confidence" is Comprehensive and Includes all Courses
Those Looking for Specific Topics will Find Value in the Specialty Courses
User Feedback
"I ordered your course a couple of weeks ago. It has given me the confidence to take my kids out on the water by myself. My husband has a very rigorous work schedule and too many beautiful boating days were being missed. Even though I knew things here and there about boating, I never felt confident to get out there alone. After taking the course, I couldn’t wait to just start practicing. I started with short trips in good weather, to last week taking my girls to the sandbar, and even gassed up on the water on the way! I have made a couple minor mistakes, but continue to learn. Looking forward to your next course!
Just wanted to give you some positive feedback. I also have shared your course with a few friends and told them how it helped me."
Thanks! Margie
Additional User Feedback
“I finished the course finally and I really enjoyed it. I will recommend it to others and make my son, who is 14 and wants to get his boating certificate here in New York, watch it as well. It is very practical.”
“Just completed the course! Appreciate all the info and detail in all the videos. Nice to have a one stop shop for reference on specifics. Very helpful! I found you from “The Qualified Captain” so I knew it was well worth it. But, overall the course was perfect. It confirmed a lot that I had already learned from growing up boating as a Floridian, as well as give me better insight to navigation and what not to do. This course is perfect for beginners and regular boaters alike.”
About Capt. Chris Juall
Ever since he was a kid, Chris has grown up with a passion for boating. Over the past 37 years he's owned countless boats of all different styles and lengths, navigated almost every part of Florida and the Northern Bahamas, and spent the last 25 years as a active member of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary. Chris even achieved the coveted certification of "Coast Guard Boat Crew" onboard both the 29 RBS II and the 45 RBM. Chris is a licensed Master's Captain and a certified, on-water instructor with the NSBC. Capt. Chris brings all his experience and knowledge to you through his courses to make you the confident boater you want to be.
Learn and Earn!
Enrollees receive 40% OFF from "The Qualified Captain"
After you complete the course, it's only fitting that you reward yourself for being "qualified" with major discounts at "The Qualified Captain" is the most popular boating channel on Instagram and they also sell awesome merchandise. You'll receive your coupon for 40% OFF in the final lesson.
Giving Back
A portion of every course sale will benefit the Coast Guard Mutual Assistance Organization. The CGMA is the official relief society of the U.S. Coast Guard. While CGMA works closely with the Coast Guard, it is an independent non-profit charitable organization. Established and operated by Coast Guard people for Coast Guard people, CGMA provides a way to extend compassion to one another in times of need. It serves as a vital financial safety net, promoting financial stability and general wellbeing, fostering high morale and encouraging a sense of loyalty to the Coast Guard.